想著 該以怎樣的方式
為什么 我愛寫詩
那 不清不楚的 文字
到底 是 什么意思
不清不楚 卻 說著他的故事
這個樣子 就 叫做詩
不要問我 咖啡和草莓 的關系是
和 戀愛 又有什么 方程式
還有 楓葉 風琴 之間的日子
親愛的 我 真的真的真的 不能解釋
就像 咖啡 加 草莓 就一定是 這樣子
就像 戀愛有著 自己 的一套 你不懂 的 方程式
就像 風琴老是 陪伴楓葉一起走過 滄桑的日子
可是 有件事 我能為你解釋
我也只有 也就只有能跟你說 這件事
我 愛 你 愛 到 世 界 末 日
LiFe DiAry 4
I'm freaking tired.....with the works, with the activities, with the students.... It's only middle of February, but yet so much work need to do already, what will turn out during the next few months??
Now i start to mull over my plan. Should i work and acquire my Master study both? else i resign the job and just concentrate on the study? This issue keep emerge in my mind days and nites..
Our country is having economic crisis, getting a job is not easy at all..the choices keep haunting me. However if i can't handle both things in pleasent, that will be a hitch too...
Well, can anyone lend me a hand, for any sensible implication that which option should i go for?
想你的每一个夜晚 无法入眠的夜
Now i start to mull over my plan. Should i work and acquire my Master study both? else i resign the job and just concentrate on the study? This issue keep emerge in my mind days and nites..
Our country is having economic crisis, getting a job is not easy at all..the choices keep haunting me. However if i can't handle both things in pleasent, that will be a hitch too...
Well, can anyone lend me a hand, for any sensible implication that which option should i go for?
想你的每一个夜晚 无法入眠的夜
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