

听說 紅色是思念
因为思念让心胀紅 让人憔弱

听說 蓝色是忧郁
因为忧郁让心泛蓝 让人碎意

我不清楚蓝色 因为我不是蓝色系

因为数年之後 我依然在想念妳

3 条评论:

匿名 说...

wendy told me....
red means sexy....haha

she has a lot of 感触 vf Red mayb....hahaha

how u knw u'r belongs to wht color?
so wht color belongs to me?...

miki 说...

what red mean to u ?
i really want to it...
next time tell me ok?
i also hv a story about red colour..

-本-王子 说...

ekk...red is sexy ya...i should ask her then...i belong to wat color i think only i know...u belong to wat?this should think by urself o...

red mean wat?got answer le...
oho..got story to tell again ya?
waiting for it